Is there a barefoot/minimalist footwear product out there that you absolutely love? This year we want to try something new and kick-off our first ever annual readers choice awards.
Here's How it Works
You - the readers - nominate your favorite product(s) as a potential candidates for the award. After the nominations have been received, we will assemble a list of nominations and ask you guys to vote. After the voting period, we will tally the votes cast on each product, and the products with the most number of votes will win. Simple right?
Give Us Your Nominations!
To get started, we need your nominations. There are multiple categories:
- Road running
- Trail running
- Outdoors
- Men's casual
- Women's casual
- Kids
You are welcome to nominate a product for each category (if you like), or just a single product in one category.
Tell us your nominations by commenting on this post. Please make sure you include the following information: the category you are nominating the product for, the specific brand and model, and a short blurb as to why you think the product(s) deserve the nomination.