Bunions are a common (though not normal) foot health problem. Bunions are significantly more common in women than men, for reasons associated with the type of footwear most women choose to wear (more on the influence of footwear later). Bunions are one of the leading preventable causes of foot pain or discomfort, and though bunion surgery is one of the most common foot surgeries performed, most bunions can be corrected or prevented using natural treatment methods.
What Are Bunions?

A bunion is a sometimes painful dislocation of the 1st or 5th metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. A bunion appears to be a bump or prominence located at the base of the big or, in the case of a tailor’s bunion, at the base of the little toe, or both. Many people assume that a bunion is a bony growth at the base of the big or little toe, but this is not actually the case. A bunion causes the forefoot to appear wider than it actually is because the base of the affected (i.e., dislocated) toe points away from the foot instead of pointing straight ahead. In addition to pain or discomfort, redness, blistering, callusing, bursitis, and nerve damage in or around the affected area are all common bunion signs or symptoms.
What Causes Bunions?
Bunions are a problem only among shod, or shoe-wearing, populations. A bunion is caused by shoes that possess tapering toe boxes, or toe boxes that force your big and/or little toes toward your foot’s midline. Tapering toe boxes, especially when combined with rigid soles, hold your foot and toes in a bunion configuration. Over time, and with prolonged shoe wearing, this temporary foot and toe configuration can lead to permanent deformations, including a bunion. It’s the chronic, forced deviation of the big toe toward the foot’s midline that is the stimulus for the classic bunion deformity.
What Are Some Natural Treatment Approaches?
Natural treatment approaches to bunions are simple, noninvasive, and effective. The general idea behind natural bunion treatments is to address the underlying cause of the bunion; that is, footwear that forces the big toe into a deviated position. Using footwear that allows your toes to splay as nature intended is an essential part of an effective bunion treatment plan. Enabling toe splay using a toe-spacing device, such as Correct Toes, is another critical part of restoring proper toe alignment and reducing bunions. Range of motion exercises (exercises that move your affected toe into a more favorable position) can also be helpful.
Bunions, though often painful, are not life threatening. They are, however, a sign of inappropriate footwear use. Bunions are almost non-existent in unshod or minimally-shod populations, such as indigenous groups in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Bunions respond very well to natural treatment approaches, especially once the offending stimulus (conventional footwear) is removed and proper toe splay is enabled. A natural, rehabilitative approach is simple, economical, and effective.
For more information about bunions, non-invasive treatment, and healthy footwear, please visit our website: www.CorrectToes.com.