Hello, my name is Corey from Cincinnati, OH. I first went "barefoot" in VFF KSO's last summer. Since then I've bought a pair of VFF Smartwool Classics and VFF Treks. I wear the Treks to work often and hope to do some hiking and backpacking in them once the weather turns. I used to run in my KSOs but my current work schedule is hectic to say the least.
hardcorey 3
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

hardcorey 3
Yes, found the link on BPL (I think from you).

Damien Tougas 953
Better yet, not just a backpacker, but a UL one too!
Have you done much backpacking in minimalist footwear yet? What have been your experiences?

hardcorey 3
None so far. Plan to change that once the weather warms up. I'm afraid my toes will fall off if I try backpacking when it's 20 degrees in my Treks!

Damien Tougas 953
Yeah, the separate toes are definitely an issue in the colder weather. I am currently in a pair of Inov-8 RocLite 288 GTX for the winter here in Maine.
Hey, another backpacker, woohoo! Welcome!