After some serious health concerns I started a diet and exercise routine that included just about everything but running (other than small amounts on my treadmill). It hurt my right hip and ankle every time I would run. One day for no known reason I hopped on my treadmill barefoot and was amazed at how much less pain I had, almost none. I am always barefoot around the house as well as outside any chance I can get, I just never considered running barefoot, hell I always yell at my kids for running outside barefoot. I am now looking for any information I can find on the sport of barefoot running and trying to find products to incorporate it into my business casual workplace too.Anyone in my neck of the woods looking to get together with a newbie for some short runs, send me a PM.
Hello from northern Illinois
Sarsippius 2
Answers and Replies

kigogal 5

Sarsippius 2
Thanks for the info and encouragement.
Hi! Happy for you! :) Check out Barefoot Runners Society to find a group in your area -
As for info - if you're on twitter, you can find some great resources. This is a super one, as is Living Barefoot, Barefoot-Running US, Running and Rambling, Barefoot Running University (Jason Robillard) and Run Bare.
Good luck to you! Be careful, take it slow, and enjoy. Rachelle