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new barefooter from boulder co

Hey everybody! I have been slowly getting into barefoot practices, its been an interesting transition telling my body to stride differently that's for sure. After years of hell er I mean heel striking w/o even realizing it, it still feels strange to forefoot run. But I don't have the agonizing pain in my knees anymore, so I am not going back. But I find that the longer the run, the harder it is to maintain form and stride, but that is just the simple fact of fatigue. I have run marathons before so I am not always running completely barefoot so that I can get longer runs in.

Just moved to Boulder, CO too and have had the pleasure of meeting the folks at Invisible Shoes and also Michael Sandler, who wrote the book Barefoot Running. A lot of good info in these parts, but I wanted to get to know MORE new people, so I joined the forum. Looking forward to reading lots of posts from you all!

Cheers, Gina


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