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Barefoot and Minimalist Running Video

Here is a short video I shot of me running in various types of minimalist footwear and barefoot on rocks and cement shot in HD and slowed down.

My minimalist preference in order of most ground feel

1- VFF (they are very well broken in having ran in them for over a year)

2- Invisible Shoes 4mm (on the way to being my favorite, still new to me and needs to get broken in)

3- Invisible Shoes 6mm

4- Merrell Trail Gloves


Answers and Replies


I liked this video. The runner had great form and was very consistent, so it was clear that any differences in the stride were from the shoes. I thought the Merrell and FF's looked like the shoes altered the foot strike slightly. Although I did see the toe movement up just before impact with the FF's. The huarachis were the closest to barefoot. They both looked good.


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