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Big Problem with Vibram KSO's, help!

Hi everyone! I just picked up my first pair of Vibram FiveFingers (specifically the KSO's). I have longer, wider toes than most people it seems, and I just tried out my new pair on the treadmill for a 3.5 mile run (about 30 minutes or so).

About at the 25 minute mark, I started feeling some rubbing on the side of my right foot as well as my small toe on the same foot.

I finished the run, and took off the VFF's to notice two bad blisters on those two areas.

I've never worn Minimalist shoes before, and I don't bearfoot (yet!). So I'm curious to know if the reason these blisters came about is because of the structure of my feet from 21 years of shoes? or if it's the pair of VFF's itself? perhaps a size issue?

Could anyone lend me a hand? :)


Answers and Replies


Whereabouts is "the side" issue happening? Is there a seam in that same location on the inside of the KSO?

I have found that the inside seams of some KSOs are a little sloppy. Excessive fabric extending from the stitch can cause problems. I've had to turn mine partially inside out and trim the material.

My Bikilas caused blistering within the first 5 miles of use, similar to what you are reporting in the KSO. The fit of the shoe was fine. My feet just needed to get used to an odd stitch line on the inside.

Do your feet sweat? I find that any distance over 8 miles requires me to wear socks with my VFF to wick moisture away and reduce friction, two of the three key ingredients for blisters. Try some Injinji toe socks.


I had thought the same about the stitching inside. It was around the 1st metatarsal. Perhaps I need to bring out my Dremel tool?

I may have to go with those socks i presume. that's unfortunate! :'(

I'm not too sure if my feet sweat a lot or not because this is my first time wearing them. they weren't bad at all the first run.


I am a big proponent of toe socks in my VFFs. I never get blisters, and moisture management is not a problem for me. I did find in the past that my feet could sweat and get sloppy if I didn't.

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