Is any as excited for this line of shoes as I am? I have heard nothing but great things about The Adam. You can pre-order their shoes on the website which I did the other day. It was also announced that Altra shoes will be available through Running Warehouse!
Can't wait!
Theo7272 30
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

Theo7272 30
Are you still liking The Adam so far?

Damien Tougas 953
I am loving the Adam, it is really a great shoe, I am beginning to prefer it over my KSO. It just hasn't been getting much use in the weather we have been having here.

Theo7272 30
Good to hear. I love running in the winter except for the fact that it can restrict shoe choice. I ran in my bikilas today in 20 degree weather with some injinji socks. Toes were cold for the first mile or so but then they were fine. Did slide a bit on the snow covered roads but it wasn't too bad.

jmunster 2
I am eagerly awaiting the Adam! Haven't pre-ordered yet, but think I will be...

That Guy 5
I feel like I'm the only person who's looking forward to the Instinct. Maybe it's just my urban jungle, endless asphalt mentality!

danstoner 21
You are not the only one.

javan.dempsey 15
I'm really only interested in the Adams. I understand the need to have different "levels" of shoe from the business standpoint, but all of the other models look over-built to me.
If I could get a pair of Adams, or even VFF's with neoprene body and some Inov-8 mud-claw style tread on them, for snow traction, I'd never need another shoe.
Anyway, I plan on trying a pair of Adams when they come out for summer shoes, although I am uncertain whether the toe box will be roomy enough for me.

LIRunner1971 3
I am looking forward to trying the Adam so I can again wear socks if needed. I have spent the last year using the KSO but the cold winter snow and slush really started to put a hurt on my feet.
I recently went to a local scuba store and purchased some 5mm scuba booties. They are great.....I ran a ten mile race in them last weekend and they were more comfortable than my KSOs and warm as a summer day. I have about 30 miles on them and they will remain my cold weather running shoe of choice. There is tremendous flexability, ground feel and if you buy the right size your toes can spread as far as they want. The zippered ankle high boot keeps your heel secure and snow out.
Just my 2 cents.

javan.dempsey 15
LIRunner1971, did you get the Scubapro's or some other brand? I've been curious about this as an option also, but haven't made the trek into the local scuba shop yet.
Thanks for giving them another recommendation, some of the models I've seen have some interesting tread also that might make them semi-grippy.
My issue is that I'm not really a runner, I'm a UL hiker, and the conditions I like to get out into require different traction than I think most winter runners encounter. It's unfortunately, because I really don't want any more sole than necessary.

LIRunner1971 3
I have the ScubaMax but from what I can tell from a internet search they are all pretty much made in the same factory in China. They then simply paint on a companies logo for re-sale in the US.
Go to your local shop and have a look. The tread is pretty good and provides solid grip on snow, grass, and sand. Ice is another issue but that is a problem for all shoes. I have 20-30 miles on them and the tread shows no sign of wear.
40 bucks cash out the door....not a bad deal.

searayman 43
javen.dempsey I bet the new balance minimus trail would be great in the snow!

javan.dempsey 15
Possible, but the lack of zero drop eliminates them as an option for me personally.
Honestly I'm a little disenfranchised with NB for what I perceive as a capitalistic approach to minimalist footwear. The whole "transition" shoe market is just a vehicle for profit IMHO, but I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of people here disagree with me.
What makes you think the NB Minimus Trail will perform in snow? The sole design, as technologically facaded as it may be, doesn't scream snow-traction to me. Once those tripadelic shapes get packed with snow, they likely won't grip better anything else.
Inov-8's so far are the only shoes besides cleats I find with major inherent snow traction, too bad the forefoot of their shoes are shaped like blunt arrows instead of their anatomical logo, and the lasts obviously were taken from anorexic alien feet.
Sorry, I'm feeling cynical tonight. I'm going to give the Adams and Merrell TG's a chance.

searayman 43
does anyone know the release date for these? Are these April?

Ghost 6
javan, the minimus may or may not be the right shoe for you (probably not as they have 4mm diff.) but as to the whole perceived capitalistic approach, I think you are misjudging them. In fact, New Balance has strictly forbidden these shoes from being sold on-line. So they are effectively eliminating one of the top avenues for people to buy minimalistic-esque footwear. Not a very capitalistic approach, in fact, quite the opposite. I think NB has found the excitement of minimalism and is excited to share this with the public. In fact, maybe even an attempt at converting traditional runners and welcoming them to minimalism. They've drank the kool-aid and are offering others a sip from their glass.<br> I hope that makes sense, but keep in mind all the potential sales they are willing to forgo by not putting their Minimus online. They are spreading the gospel exclusively through brick-and-mortar retail stores only.

javan.dempsey 15
Fair enough, I need to reserve judgement regardless. I was just feeling bitchy that night. ;)
Sorry for my tirade.

shoe-intolerant-feet 14
I can't wear the VFF because my foot shape doesn't even come close to matching the VFF last. So I have been praying for a shoe which has the design of the VFF but with a traditional toe box. Yes, I am pumped about the Adam.
Allow me to pontificate.
Since I cannot wear VFF, I cannot make a fair assesment of the individual toe design and whether it interferes less with natural barefoot mechanics than a traditional toe design.
But since I am an opinionated jerk, I will give my thoughts anyways.
I think that having a genuinely minimalist-driven toe box design (the Adam looks very good in this area), will be the best solution for most Minimalists, and that the individual toe design will mostly disappear. However in absence of a genuinely minimalist-driven toe box design, the VFF has been the best solution for people whose feet are the right shape.
An ideal minimalist toebox design is huge, relative to a traditional toebox, and derives from the need for several features:
1) Straight last. "Fashion"(whatever that is) ushered in the fetish for feet that "curve in", or more accurately, for feet where the forefoot is medial to the rear foot. This foot shape is accurate for a only a small percentage of people. We need a straight foot last where the forefoot in directly in-line with the rear foot. This will be accurate for a much larger group of people.
2) Foot shape. Fashion dictates a foot shape that is much more pointed than a real foot. I dislike even the word "rounded" to describe the ideal. I look at Nike's and see a rounded toebox. Sure, it's pointier than other brands, but still rounded. I think we need a more "rectangular" toebox, one that does not round in, or invade the space of the big toe or the little toe.
3) Forefoot height. Fashion dictates that the upper material be directly above the toes and forefoot. We need some space between our toes/forefeet and the upper material.
4) Upper material. Often, fashion dictates an upper material that is rigid, or semi-rigid. We need an upper fabric that is as flexible as is allowed for the particular shoe application (an every day shoe should be extremely flexible, but a construction shoe might require a thicker less flexible material for protection).
5) All of the above features should be designed with the understanding that the foot is not a static object. The foot changes shape significantly during movement, particularly in regards to flexion and extension of the toes, and the "splaying" of the midfoot/forefoot upon impact (or stated differently, during the pronation phase).
I am guessing that the Adam (or the shoe that succeeds in all these areas), will allow for foot mechanics that are as close to barefoot as VFF, without the interference of the between toe fabric present with VFF.

shoe-intolerant-feet 14
Javan, I think you are right that New Balance is clearly making transitional shoes, and like all the biggies, is trying to convince people that:
1) Transitional shoes are probaly necessary for most people to make the transition. 2) Transitional shoes are probably the most minimal shoes that many people will ever be able to wear.
Whether #1 and/or #2 are accurate...who knows. I certainly think that a person who has feet that are shoe intolearnt, has logged more hours in inappropriate shoes (likely an older person), and has developed more foot/body dysfunction...that person is more likely to benefit from a slow progression, and more likely to be unable to transition immediately to bare feet.
I agree that NB is operating out of self interest as much as from a belief that #1 and #2 are correct.
BUT, I think NB deserves a lot of credit for offering important footwear options that no other manufacturer even comes close to. Most importantly they make lots of shoes with wide widths, up to 6E. This is a huge deal to many people. Also they offer several models built around the straightest/most natural foot shaped last in the industry. This is also a huge deal to many people. For 10 years I mostly wore shoes make by NB that were straight lasted 6E's. AND, it was a motion control shoe. I know minimalists dislike MC, but if you have to wear a shoe with a thick heel, and significant heel rise, I strongly believe it is much better to have a hard sole, which is what MC shoes are, hard soled rather than soft/squishy soled.
I have always known that I wanted less or no heel rise, and much thinner soles (didn't know I could do barefoot or minimal until past 3-4 years). But even with the raised heel and over-thick sole, the NB's were the best shoes I could buy.
I hope this doesn't come across as agressive or nasty. Not my intention at all. And I think you are right to have a wait and see attitude with NB and all the shoe companies. This is a billion dollar industry, and I think many companies will be actively working to undermine the barefoot/minimalist movement.
Which brings up an intriguing question. Do you think there is any chance that the shoe companies could be held legally responsible for creating foot problems and be forced to pay monetary damages? I doubt it, but it's not out of the question.

treepatter 33
I'm looking forward to trying the Lone Peaks as well- definitely a thicker midsole than the other minimal (do these even qualify as minimal?) options out there, but i can foresee times, when i will want that extra protection.

brian@altra 9
The Adam/Eve is a May 1st release. It was April but we had another minor setback. For those of you who are interested in the Instinct/Intuition, it releases April 1st!
Thanks for all the great feedback...and even a little tirade is accepted! I think we have an awesome concept and we really nailed the shoes.
Instinct and Lone Peak we would consider "Natural running footwear". Not overly minimal but with our Zero Drop Foot Shaped Gender Specific design...we would call them a biomechanic shoe or natural footwear. (it's not a transition shoe either!) These shoes for people who don't want to go minimal but still want to run with good technique.
Thanks again

treepatter 33
Hey Brian, What are we looking at as far as an availability date for the Lone Peak?
I can't wait to get my hands on a pair of the Lone Peaks... I think they have a lot of potential for hiking and backpacking.