Yesterday i helped a friend gut his bathroom in VFF classics. They were a little concerned about me getting a nail in my foot and advised shoes, but i told them i'd be fine. My list of activities that can be done barefoot/minimalist keeps growing. thought this community would like to know-
ben wood 19
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

searayman 43
how about steel toed five fingers lol

zabala 82
Only helps if your dropping something your toes. Your concerned friends would prefer to see steel shanks to protect from them darn nails.....but that would be counterproductive. You can point out to others that working so scantly shod means you work more cleanly tp prevent ALL accidents LOL

dlskidmore 50
What about jika-tabi? Japanese construction workers wear them. They don't have the same safety features as American steel-toe, steel-shank work boots, but you can make a valid claim that they are real work boots. I think there's even a steel toe version, but that would defeat the point.

zabala 82
AH Ninja boots...LOL Na not going do on a real construction site. They have one style with re-enforced to for more rugged which I don't think implies construction, probably rock trails. These to emphasis the thin sole. Having got a nail in my foot once I either work very cleanly or wear the right foot wear although I hate safety shoes. I find the more people involved the less control over keeping the work place safe.

ben wood 19
i find the ninja boots to be kinda funny as well. i do not need any footwear for construction as I am not in the construction field. but yes a clean workplace does translate to better safety no matter the footwear. It just matters much more when wearing minimalist shoes. When I was doing construction I often wore big redwing boots with large heels and steel toes. I couldnt imagine wearing those now. I'd hate them. Luckily I have never gotten a bad puncture in the foot. I have had a few small ones, but nothing debilitating or truly "in the foot".

Nick J 4
I'm in construction and depending on the work I'll either wear an old pair of converse allstar and work carefully or my zeroed steel toe cap boots (just sanded off the rubber heel). The boots are fine you get the benefits of having a flat platform, they have a reasonable toe box but obviously there is no ground feel.
Me too! I have done light construction work in my VFF classics. As with you, I also got some comments about safety.
Maybe we should petition Injinji to make chainmail socks for those of us that like to wear minimalist footwear on building projects ;-)