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Introducing myself

Just wanted to introduce ourselves. Actually I (Beth) do the writing but I write about both of us. We've been together over 25 years so it's hard to separate the two of us. Got interested in minimalist footwear because of an old injury resulting in chronic tendinitis. I was at the point of not being able to walk without limping most of the time. Some friends on facebook were always talking about running in their Vibrams. I didn't really know why. But through a link to Adventure in Progress one of them posted I began to research it for myself. I found that it just might be the shoes I was wearing. So after reading more I went out and bought a pair of very flat, flexible water shoes. As I simply could not afford Vibrams or Merrell and the like. Went barefoot in the house most of the time. Just wore the shoes to town and such. In a very short time it began to get better. I noticed a difference in less than a week. It's been a year and I'll never go back. I walk (fast for exercise) on a daily basis and although I can still feel it when I first start out it soon stretches out and limbers up. No more constant pain. No more limping. I hike in them also. I would like to try some of the minimalist shoes out there, but they are spendy! In particular Merrell seems to offer what I'm looking for. Something for hiking as well as walking. The Trail Glove (for Tim) or the Barefoot Lithe Glove,or Pace Glove (for me). Lots of good articles on here I'm slowly checking out. I recently started a blog about our life in Appalachia. Occasionally I've written about minimalist footwear. Here's the link if anyone is interested.


Answers and Replies


Welcome Beth and Tim! That is a great story. I am really glad to hear that you guys were able to find better health throughout minimalist footwear - that is the kind of story more people need to hear. It is also great to have some other non-runners here to help balance things out.


I agree with you that a lot of minimal shoes are very expensive. Maybe you could try a DIY Huarache kit, from Invisible Shoes or so.


I have seen the huarache kit before. I wouldn't mind it for summer. Although I do not like thing between my toes. Hate flip flops. But there are alternate ways to tie them. However for winter and colder weather I really would like more of a "shoe" for outside. problem. Socks or barefoot! We hike some and are wanting to hike more so I'm also looking for just a bit of protection all the way around. I think we'll just have to consider them an investment and start saving. I would like to see some more economical minimalist shoes made though. Maybe we will. It seems everything eventually comes down in price after the newness of it wears off. Don't think I want to wait that long though.


I have seen the huarache kit before. I wouldn't mind it for summer. Although I do not like thing between my toes. Hate flip flops. But there are alternate ways to tie them. However for winter and colder weather I really would like more of a "shoe" for outside. problem. Socks or barefoot! We hike some and are wanting to hike more so I'm also looking for just a bit of protection all the way around. I think we'll just have to consider them an investment and start saving. I would like to see some more economical minimalist shoes made though. Maybe we will. It seems everything eventually comes down in price after the newness of it wears off. Don't think I want to wait that long though.

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