Questions & Answers

Josh Leeger, Introduction


My name is Josh Leeger. I'm passionate about getting people in touch with their inner exuberant animal...usually through movement. I'm a personal trainer (and exuberant animal trainer), ex massage therapist, and finishing my master's degree in Kinesiology this year! I went through Vibrams and the like a year or so ago, and now rely mainly on moccasins, BFT's Luna's, or my Adidas Sambas (I know, not minimalist...I'm checking out the Adams for a possible next "sport shoe" purchase).

Happy to see the site, Damien. Looking forward to some good exchanges here!



Answers and Replies


I LOVE the Exuberant Animal stuff - definitely something I would like to learn more about in the future. I am thinking about getting the play book for the kids one of these winters. Great to have you on board here!

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