Questions & Answers

West Coast Minimalist

Thank you very much for launching this community.

I am out in California and very interested in the minimalist movement. It has been interesting to see a growing scientific support for minimalist footwear (, while also some significant skepticism ( From what I have seen, the supportive science seems to be growing, and the skeptics do not have much evidence behind them.

The transition to minimalism has been somewhat challenging, but the fact that I am moving in a more evidence-based direction gives me hope.

The strong, online minimalist community continues to be very helpful in my journey, so thank you all for your contributions.


Answers and Replies


Welcome MG, nice to have you join us. Any transition we make to using our bodies and muscles more than the structure of products will always be challenging. The good part is that we know that we are getting stronger and healthier through the process.

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