Questions & Answers

Running backwards

So, I watched Saint Ralph on Netflix last night. The protagonist tries to win the Boston Marathon. One of the things a book was telling him to do was run backwards. Is this a real practice? It said it develops the calves the best. I know running minimal or barefoot gives me a great calf workout. Is running backwards a good idea despite the obvious dangers of not being able to see where you're going?


Answers and Replies


Maybe it helps the calves for people who run in traditional running shoes because it forces them to land on the forefoot instead of the heel.


Damien, I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw that. Consider this, the movie was set in 1953/4 before maximal shoes became commonplace(right?). And the book he was reading I think was some decades before that. The book could be a total fictional invention for the movie but it made it seem like a legitimate source. Ah well, I think I'll stick to forward running unless someone from toesalad can convince me otherwise.


when i was running in high school, we would run backwards for a few drills once or twice a week. they used to tell us that it would help with shin splints as it would develop the other muscles in the lower legs. I cant say as to the validity of this claim, but my shin splints did stay at bay. It obviously is going to work muscles a little differently as it is a different excercise, but i would go running backwards for miles on end.


From the research I've been doing, it seems that shin splits occurs because of lifting the toe to heel-strike. I've never had shin splints but the longest I've ever ran without stopping is 10 miles. I also don't raise my toe before impact, so maybe the two are connected. I think running backwards does activate similar muscle groups that running forward on the mid/full foot does.

Also, did you mean to say that you "would" or "wouldn't" run miles on end?


yeah exactly, i WOULDN"T run backwards for miles on end. sorry man. I haven't really read any research on shin splints, but i thought it had something to do with muscles not developing evenly causing strain on the connective tissues. I would agree that running backwards would be similar to running on the forefoot, at least for the foot and lower leg.


It's never a bad idea to move differently than you're used to. As for increasing your running performance I really don't know but to prepare yourself for everyday life you should move all sorts of ways. So run backwards, run sideways, walk on your hands, have crab walk races with your running buddies as a warm up. It's fun.


I had a gait analysis done and the examiner suggested running backwards to increase the strength of the hamstrings so I think there is a benefit to doing it. I would only do it for a few hundred feet at a time though.

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