This is my first attempt at making a boot. My goal was/is to make a boot for Minnesota winters with a hope to eventually make something even slush resistant.
This boot was made for my 14yo son. It has a duck fabric outer and an polar-fleece interior. The innersole is sheepskin (taken from sheepskin paint rollers) that I shoe goo-ed to the duck outer sole. I then sprayed it twice with silicone.
Bicycle Boy has been wearing them outdoors for errand running and dog chores with no socks in air temps from 10 below (F) to our current temps in the upper 20s above. He's never gotten wet feet (major plus but not a surprise since it's frozen out there).
My next plan is a cinch strap with velcro closure at the ankle and top of boot. He says it's too slipper like to keep the snow out.
I also have some ~5mm sole material on it's way from my friend, a cobbler, that I will cut and put on the bottom.
I'm afraid they won't be slushproof. But I am very pleased with the style at this point. As big a toe box as I could want. Sheepskin in the bottom for lots of insulation. Very easy to assemble.
Anyone else out there making winter footwear?
I had some success years ago with hand-made boots that I bought from a Royal Opera House sale (I'm lucky I live in London), that had just thin leather soles - they were kind of moccasin boots. They were men's, and much too big, so I was able to fill them out with some kind of long silky fur - can't remember where I got that from. I believe I also created sheepskin insoles for them.
But we don't get quite the same cold weather that you do in Minnesota.
I'd love to read more people's experiences with making boots.