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Natural Running Center Launched

Toe Salad is pleased to announce the launch of a new website: The Natural Running Center." width="380"/>

The brain child of Dr. Mark Cucuzzella (Two Rivers Treads), Bill Katovsky (Zero-Drop), and Nicholas Pang (The Minimalist Runner), The Natural Running Center (NRC) aims "to serve as a comprehensive web resource of information and education for all runners".

As Bill describes in his launch announcement:

<blockquote>The regular features and departments of the Natural Running Center include the following: detailed shoe reviews (over 60 models -- barefoot style, minimalist, neutral/transition, and walking/casual); footwear education and training tips by coaching and gait experts; articles by NRC''s health, science and medical advisory board members; separate pages for all natural running stores that are partnered with the NRC; and much more.</blockquote>

And the part we are especially excited about is that Toe Salad will be the official forum and user community for the site! If you haven't done so already, go check out the NRC and let us know what you think!


Answers and Replies



Thanks for the intro to the site. the power of the site is that you can be the experts and give opinios and comments through the unique toesalad forums. they will reach our audience too.

We are starting to shift the health care world too....all for the better. what the grass roots level is doing in the movement for healthier feet as a crucial part of healthy lifestyle is huge.

all the best,

Dr. Mark Cucuzzella


"Good For the Soles" is related to them? I really enjoyed my visit to their store. Tiny little store in a trendy town, but the shelves are packed full of good minimalist options. I walked in to just check it out for future refernce and walked out with four things.

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