Hello! I'm just now learning about the barefoot running and ChiRunning. I have been running off and on for several years and have always had to stop due to injuries to heal. Then start back, to have it happen again. I'm here looking for a better way. Running is my way of releaving stress and relaxing. My main injuries in the past has always been shin splints, plantar fascitis, achilles pain and tight calves, and (most recent injury) hair line fracture to my left foot. My goal, THIS TIME...... is to start SLOWLY and build my way up. I would love to run a half marathon by this time next year. I'm a full time nurse, mother of 3, & love the outdoors! Looking forward to learning all I can and maybe make some friends here. :o)
New from NE Texas!!
CowGirlUp36 3
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

CowGirlUp36 3
Thanks for the welcome! I've learned a lot already just by reading in the forums. Great site! Oh, BTW> i went to podiatrist yesterday, and I now have a Mortons Neuroma to my left foot. FUN! Not...... had my first cortisone injection of 3 yesterday. Possible surgery if it doesn't work. But, on the upside, doc says I should be back up and running as soon as the neuroma is taken care of. (fingers crossed!)

Damien Tougas 953
I used to have a morton's neruoma. The best thing for me was going barefoot as much as possible, and wearing minimalist shoes with a wide, unrestrictive toebox, especially in the metatarsal area. I did not require surgery, and have had happy feet ever since.
Welcome! I think you will fit right in here! We are a family of three who love the outdoors as well.