I am a "barefoot inspired" minimalist runner. I'm 42 and began running in 2008. Back then, with 40 rapidly approaching I realized the need to re-claim my health and get back in shape. So I lost 50 lbs, changed to a healthy diet, began exercising regularly and never looked back. While losing the weight and getting fit I walked as my main form of exercise. Once I got in shape I realized with more energy and feeling good I had an interest in cycling, running and swimming. This led to my first 5K, 10K,ect. and triathlons. My running story is fairly typical. I began in a stability shoe recommended at a running store. I struggled with injuries and running form, but I would'nt give up. By moving down the spectrum to less and less shoe I began to enjoy running, rid myself of injuries and find my own style of "barefoot inspired" minimalist running. Hopefully this site will be enjoyed by those of us on a path to a healthy active lifestyle. TLV
On Wisconsin.....Greetings from the frozen tundra