
The Treadmill Desk - Part 1: Why?

by Damien Tougas

Excessive sitting is bad for your health. Wow, that was profound. We all know this already. The question is, what do we do about it? It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that due to your circumstances, you don't have any choice but to sit. Maybe your job has you sedentary. Maybe you find it difficult to make time for regular exercise. Even if you do take the time for exercise, I have some bad news for you: If your day involves mostly sitting, that exercise may not be doing you as much good as you think.

Happy Anniversary Toe Salad!

by Damien Tougas

It was one year ago today that we launched Toe Salad. In the space of that year our community has grown to over 1400 members and new members are joining daily. I am both proud and excited about the community that is forming and look forward to what 2012 will bring.

So What's Up With the Shoes?

by Renee Tougas

I figure it's time for me to weigh in on this series (The Case for Minimalist Footwear) that Damien has been writing about. Actually, I've been contributing the whole time behind the scenes with editing and taking care of family responsibilities so Damien could put together this series and his presentation. But I also have some things to say about minimalist footwear, that come from a bit of a different perspective that you might find helpful.