Interesting article about these boots that look like they are a great minimalist boot for in the snow.
Steger Mukluks
zabala 82
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

zabala 82
I thought you moved to Nova Scotia this spring? Any winter inland will be less wet then the coast for sure. Stegers are not leather all the way up and moose hide bottoms. From what I have read even when breaking through slush users report staying dry. Here's hoping

Damien Tougas 953
We did move to Nova Scotia, but that was only temporary. Our final destination is the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec (still east coast) some time in November. For the nitty-gritty details (if you are at all interested), you can check-out this post here:
If you get some Stegers, I will be very interested in hearing how they work out for you. I have looked at them many times and wondered about them myself.

zabala 82
I will be sure to let you know how it goes with them. I wish you all the best with the Gaspe move. It seems you love challenges so it will suit you folks well.
I have looked at those in the past, they do look really good for cold weather. I gave-up on moccasins/mukluks after repeated attempts. The problem for me was climate... in Maine it is usually quite moist. Moisture and moccasins don't go so well together.
Maybe this winter we move to Quebec I will like them better (if the climate is less damp).