But my heart is still in northern Michigan..I love that the barefoot community is growing so rapidly. I was first introduced to it by crossfit with the five fingers,which has done quite well in that community.I am looking to expand my knowledge in fitness and i am very much into the paleo movement and look forward to attending a Mov Nat course this summer.
Greetings from New hampshire
anvil45 1
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

SavvyChristine 6
We were also in New Hampshire until this week, and we lived along the coastline. There's not a whole lot of mountainous hiking down that way, unfortunately.
About me: I was introduced to minimalist footwear by Damien's blog and started researching. My husband bought barefoot shoes (Vibram Five Fingers) and has been raving about them ever since. The two of us are into Primal living, and we're super excited about decorating our new apartment with as much thrifted and eco-friendly stuff as possible.
Our dog, Lily, is the main reason why I'm so into hiking and the outdoors at the moment. Or rather, she's my motivation. One of the unexpected perks of owning a dog!

Damien Tougas 953
Hey Christine, great to have you here. I didn't know that you guys moved... Renee filled me in this morning. Too bad we didn't get to connect while you guys were still in NH.

SavvyChristine 6
Well... we're moving on Saturday. So at this very moment, we are in New Hampshire, packing up and donating what we own. :) But we may as well be in CT already. I had hoped to connect with you all, but as the moving date drew closer, things around here became increasingly hectic! We'll just have to be forum friends instead.
We spend quite a bit of time hiking in NH. You located anywhere near the mountains?