We are health-conscious people. At home, we eat plant-based meals, prepared with virtually no processed ingredients. Our usual diet will have to flex a little bit with life on the trail. We'll need lots of calories and will have less access to grocery stores. But we still have some real health concerns we need take care of. One of those being Damien's gluten and corn intolerance. There goes pretty much anything readily available in the basic food stores close to the trail. Outdoor Herbivore to the rescue.
Bunions are a common (though not normal) foot health problem. Bunions are significantly more common in women than men, for reasons associated with the type of footwear most women choose to wear (more on the influence of footwear later). Bunions are one of the leading preventable causes of foot pain or discomfort, and though bunion surgery is one of the most common foot surgeries performed, most bunions can be corrected or prevented using natural treatment methods.
After leaving the shoe booths, I felt as if I was finally getting a hang of the show. I had a few great discussions in the shoe booths and was tempted to continue looking at more shoes, but decided that since day two held several meetings with other shoe companies, I would spend the rest of day one looking at non-footwear items.
Xero Shoes (formerly Invisible Shoes) has been very busy this year. This summer at Outdoor Retailer 2013 they unveiled some cool new products, some we can tell you about, and some we can't just yet. Here is a taste of what we can be expecting from these guys over the coming months.
I've been to a couple tradeshows and have to work quite a few for my day job in Diabetes Care, but I was still unsure what OR was like. I pictured a fairly large space with row after row of cool gear and people excited to talk about their products. In a very general sense I was right, OR is a celebration of everything that is fun to do outside. As expected, most attendees are excited to see the new goods and most representatives are happy to share what they are working on. What I didn't quite grasp until I arrived at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City was just how massive the show really is, and how integral it is to the entire outdoor industry.