In case you haven't already noticed, Toe Salad underwent a significant change over the weekend. Actually, this change was a lot more than a weekend project, it has been in planning and development for quite some time. All we did this weekend was flipped the switch.
This weekend I'm participating in the Cabot Trail Relay. I'm on for stage five, 17.5K of a 276K relay race, a “longer-haul” distance, somewhere between short, fast and furious, and long and enduring. Preparing for this longer-haul distance includes several factors, of which nutrition is key. (Includes three recipes!)
All the nominations are in, now it is time for the voting. Let us know what your favorite shoes are for 2013!
The conventional thinking for backpackers is that proper footwear consists of rigid, waterproof, over-the-ankle boots. The heavier the pack and the more intense the journey, the heavier-duty the footwear needs to be. This approach assumes that the foot needs external support in order to handle the rigors of backpacking. The question that everyone should ask but nobody thinks to is: why?
Is there a barefoot/minimalist footwear product out there that you absolutely love? This year we want to try something new and kick-off our first ever annual readers choice awards.