
Spring trail running with my girls

by Renee Tougas

To help keep me motivated I registered for a 5K in June. I'm running this along with Damien and the kids. He's doing the half marathon and the kids and I will run the 5K together. Together, in a loose sort of way. I'll probably eat their dust and they'll cheer me on at the finish line.

The Healing Continues - Training for my First Half-Marathon

by Damien Tougas

I can say first-hand that barefoot and minimalist shoes work. I can also say it takes time for the body to heal. I probably could have gotten back into running a lot sooner, but I took my time, and waited until I was good and ready before starting up again. Now that I am running again, I continue to take things slow. Nice and slow. I don't want to jeopardize all those years of healing by injuring myself in an attempt to achieve a fast race time or dive into an ultra marathon. At this point I am just happy to be active and outdoors.

A Child’s Injury - Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome

by Charity Johnson

So much of this syndrome is hard to understand. What I do understand is that my culture tells me that my children need to be enrolled in sports all year round for their health. After this injury, my research tells me that my children need to be given the freedom to move, run, jump, and that does not need to come within the confines of sports. The repetitive movements that are required to master a sport can be very damaging to a child...

What Three Years as a Runner has Taught Me - Part 1

by Raul Escutia

I’ve been runner for a little over 3 years now. It’s a blink of an eye really; less time than a senior on the local high school’s cross country team. Well, I guess that previous statement is not entirely true. I’ve been a runner since the day I was born, but it’s only in the last 3 years that I have been a competitive runner.