Questions & Answers

new model

i'm currently wear testing a new minimalist model for brooks, and while i'm not allowed to say anything about them, i will say that i'm in love with them!!!!


Answers and Replies


Not fair to tease us like that! :)

Can you at least say when they might be available?


i didn't post any pics or say anything except they rock and when they are expected out - our Brooks Guru told me that one


After reading that, it sounds like this effort is them following the money.

Kind of like a local running store we have. They sell VFFs because people want them, but they don't believe in them, nor do they recommend them.


Whatever gets them to the right place.

Which running store is that? The one I went to in Brunswick sounded pretty positive about Vibrams 18 months ago.


The Maine Running Company in Portland. This past summer they had a booth at our college health fair. There was a young guy standing at the booth with a bunch of shoes in front of him, some of them VFF. My friend and I started to chat with him about them and he quickly made it clear to us that they only sell them because people want them.


I saw that a few weeks ago. Lamest letter I've ever seen. If I were ever considering Brooks, that letter pretty much put an end to it.

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