i'm currently wear testing a new minimalist model for brooks, and while i'm not allowed to say anything about them, i will say that i'm in love with them!!!!
new model
Ultratrailchick 3
Answers and Replies

Damien Tougas 953

treepatter 33
Not fair to tease us like that! :)
Can you at least say when they might be available?

Theo7272 30
Is it the shoe worn by Scott Jurek in this picture?

Ultratrailchick 3
that would be it - out in Spring 2012

Tuck 3
Brooks' CEO may need to post a retraction to that letter they sent out...

Ultratrailchick 3
i didn't post any pics or say anything except they rock and when they are expected out - our Brooks Guru told me that one

Damien Tougas 953
What letter is that Tuck?

Tuck 3
What, you mean everyone doesn't obsessively follow the latest developments in barefoot running? ;)

Damien Tougas 953
After reading that, it sounds like this effort is them following the money.
Kind of like a local running store we have. They sell VFFs because people want them, but they don't believe in them, nor do they recommend them.

Tuck 3
Whatever gets them to the right place.
Which running store is that? The one I went to in Brunswick sounded pretty positive about Vibrams 18 months ago.

Damien Tougas 953
The Maine Running Company in Portland. This past summer they had a booth at our college health fair. There was a young guy standing at the booth with a bunch of shoes in front of him, some of them VFF. My friend and I started to chat with him about them and he quickly made it clear to us that they only sell them because people want them.

Pbarker 3
I am now confused because John Rogers hosted a symposium on minimal shoes. Talking the talk but may be that is it.

Damien Tougas 953
Interesting video. Maybe it was just the guy at the booth then, mis-representing the stance of the store.

EdH 13
I saw that a few weeks ago. Lamest letter I've ever seen. If I were ever considering Brooks, that letter pretty much put an end to it.
How can I get my hands on a pair of those?
Can you at least share a sneak picture?