I am a Chicago firefighter and have been running seriously for 4 years. I am transitioning to a mid/forefoot strike and am seeking guidance. I have struggled with IT band issues the last two years as my mileage has increased. My last traditional shoe was the Asics 2150 and now I am running in the Saucony Kinvara. My next shoe will be more minimalist and I want to make the right decision. I would like to get a good rotation going between 3 or 4 different shoes, from the Kinvaras to maybe VFF Bikalas (or something similar), in descending order of minimalism. So I am in the market for 2 or 3 more pairs of shoes, however at the moment my ITBS has put a stop to all running. Yep zero miles the last two months. The end is in sight though. I will probably start running again the end of the month...Thanks for reading!
Hello from Chicago
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