The last two weeks have been whooshing by like a gale-force wind. That wind has not been without it's debris either. Shortly after launching our Kickstarter campaign I came down with a nasty virus (the most pain I have experienced from a medical condition, ever). My world has been one of intense communication and promotion, while trying to do enough billable hours to keep things afloat, trying to get enough rest to recover, and trying to consume as many calories as I can through a straw.
Here we are now, at the half-way point of our campaign, and already 80% funded. The prognosis looks good, I think we are going to make it. Support for our project has been overwhelming. We have been truly humbled by the generosity of our backers, and all of the help we have gotten through the blogging community in helping us to get the word out.

Here is a list of articles, interviews, and mentions we have received over the past two weeks:
- Ryan Jordan published an interview with me on BackpackingLight (membership required).
- GeekMom wrote an article with their favorite upcoming Kickstarter campaigns, one of which is ours.
- Friend and fellow barefoot/minimalist Barefoot Angie Bee gave us a plug on her blog.
- Backpacker and fellow Gossamer Gear Trail Ambassador Barefoot Jake interviewed us about our upcoming trek.
- ActionHub featured an article about our family, our trek, and our upcoming video project.
- The Gear Junkie gave us a big mention on their blog.
- My good friend John Sifferman from Physical Living interviewed us on his blog.
- Life coach Lisa Zahn interviewed Renee on her blog.
- Vivian McNeny, host of the online radio show The Sociable Homeschooler gave us a plug on both of her blogs.
There are still a few more articles in the pipe as well, to be released over the next week or so. Our goal is to continue to spread the word about our upcoming project. If you would like to help out, the simplest way is to share the link to our Kickstarter campaign in your social networks - one of our biggest sources of backers has been Facebook.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement, we really do feel like we are a part of an incredible online community here. We wouldn't be able to do this without you!